Wednesday, January 28, 2015

small steps.

"Not everyone wants to go to Haiti and help impoverished kids. If that's something you want to do, that is a God given gift."

Those two sentences are when I knew for a fact I was meant to go and stay in Haiti. 

I will never forget that day. It was a Wednesday night at my church. Prior, during praise and worship, I asked God to reveal to me whether staying in Haiti was something I needed to do.

This country has been on my heart ever since my first trip there. I always felt the need to go back and stay for a longer period of time.

Reality hit me when I realized it's my last semester of college....

Staying in America and working a normal 8am-5pm job, Monday through Friday is absolutely not what I want to do after I graduate. Some may say I'm crazy but I would much rather work all day and night if that means I get to do what I love. I'd endure the constant heat, ice cold showers, non-american food, oversized rodents/bugs, sweating while sleeping, swollen feet, etc.

So it's time to get serious about my dream. I wish I could say right now that I know exactly when I'm going to Haiti and for what... But I don't. That's okay though. I put full trust in God and will figure everything out. Until then, I'll keep researching different organizations and raising money.

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life."

My first step is to go Spring of 2015. This time, I want to go with a different organization called I'm ME. It's kind of last minute but I believe if this is meant to happen, it will.

If interested in helping me financially, here's the link to donate money and also find out more information about the organization I want to visit.

click here to visit mission trip campaign. *

" Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what He has promised."
- Hebrews 10:36

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Where to start? Oh, I know.

A little about me. Currently I attend the University of Central Oklahoma as Strategic Communications major with a minor in Psychology. I love Jesus, food, dance, sleep and animals. I’m blessed with my very own hero and angel (my parents) and friends whom I consider family.

When I was 16 years old, I went on a mission trip to Haiti for the first time. I fell in love. I can’t stop going. Literally. I have been there every summer now for the past seven years and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.”

All my life I have been a dreamer. I knew my calling was to go back to Haiti and stay for a longer period of time. I graduate May of 2015. It’s time to make my dream a reality.

Here's the scary part. I don’t know when I’ll be leaving, what organization to work with, the length of time I’ll stay or how I will have the funds to go and stay there.

What takes away my fears of the unknown though?

Faith in God.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11

My calling is to go to Haiti. That has been made clear. I know everything will fall into place. Things will be revealed when the time is right. I will just keep striving to follow God’s path. 

What an adventure it has been so far. I'm excited to write about this pretty cool journey.