Tuesday, February 24, 2015


So this post kind of coincides with my last one about happiness. But I want to get deeper into the issue of distractions.

Sometimes we don't even realize when we are being distracted. I would know because I recently discovered I was starting to get distracted from one of my main goals.

I'm a dreamer.

This is bad and good. Sometimes I day dream about what I want in the future... New car, a guy I like, having more money, what I want to do in the summer, etc. Which all are okay. But I realized sometimes I get caught up in those things that I miss what is going on day by day.

There's so much I want to accomplish in life. But sometimes all those ideas of my wants get in the way that I don't take action on what's important at the moment.

So how can I make sure I am on track?

Just a little me time. Every. Day.

I read a daily devotional and pray at the beginning of my day.
Sometimes I will journal when I'm not so busy.
Talking to God and true friends.
Music helps tremendously.
Drives around the lake.
Going to church.

This is why I absolutely love being in Haiti. When I'm there, I find myself more and more each year. I don't have all the distractions I have here. So when I'm here in good ole America, I make sure to really spend time by myself and God. Those are the moments I'm reminded of what my priorities are.

"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all else the world needs dreamers who do." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

1 comment:

  1. I really like this quote from Breathnach. I am a dreamer and I am a doer, but like to find time to get away to. It replenishes those things that life sucks out of you.
